
Online Retailer Says Verizon Galaxy S3 Coming July 12th (Better Than No Date)


According to the online retailer HHGregg, the Verizon Wireless version of the Samsung Galaxy S3 could be launching as early as July 12th. Yes, we know this isn’t anything close to concrete and it could be nothing more than a retailer looking to gain some attention to their site and nothing more. But then again, what if they are right…?

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Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Why don’t they just release it already!?

    1. Gotta make the people want it more. That, and Verizon likes to test phones on their network longer than most carriers.. =p

      1. No, Verizon didn’t want to pull the about face all the other carriers did with delays and push backs, they smartly picked a date 2 weeks further out when they knew they would have the inventory.

    2. Be glad its not the mess that galaxy nexus was with verizon.

  2. well since hhgregg only did a billion dollars in brick and mortar sales last year, gotta give them some more play…

  3. I am waiting patiently. I ordered mine within the first 5 minutes it opened for pre order. IT WILL BE WORTH THE WAIT!

  4. Now its the 12th?!? My pre-order confirmation says the 10th, and I justasked a verizonrepin one of their stores and they said the 10th there too… Imma be pissed if its any later than that

    1. 12th is IN STORE availability date, not your preorder shipping date. Reading comprehension.

  5. Here’s the next lesson samsung: foresee demand and plan ahead to be able to meet said demand and have the device out when you said you would

    1. Demand planning is harder than you think, especially for a new product launch. And it is better to be slightly on the low side and have to product more units than to have excess inventory sitting around unsold.

      And I know what I am talking about; I’m the director of demand planning for a Fortune 100 pharmaceutical company.

  6. I was told by a Verizon phone rep that if you pre-ordered before the 13th your phone would ship July 9th, if you ordered after the 13th, it ships July 10th. Maybe the in store available date is the 12th.

  7. Wow it is not $249.99!!!

  8. Girls, settle down. Verizon has always done this. As ordering progresses, they push their date back for new orders.

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