
Kinectimals comes to Android


Microsoft have finally made Kinectimals available for Android after being mainstays on iOS and Windows Phone 7.  The game sees you exploring the island of Lemuria, a land where you and a cub can have fun together as you care for it.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Think of Nintendogs, but for mobile phones instead of just the DS. For $2.99 you’re getting a great app for kids, and even for yourself if you’re a sucker for cute animals.

And if you have the Xbox 360 version of Kinectimals you’ll unlock five new animals for buying the Android version. Not a bad deal at all. Find it in the Google Play Store.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Lumigon T2 coming this summer for about 600 Euros?

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  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I’ve been waiting for this game to hit Android …ummm I mean my kids have been waiting for this..:p

  3. Microsoft and other businesses are NOT plural nouns. In other words, it’s “Microsoft is”, not “Microsoft are”; “Microsoft has”, not “Microsoft have”. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this was taught in eighth grade… over 50 years ago! (Which suggests that it’s probably taught in third or fourth grade today.)

    1. Language does evolve you know; what was right 50 years ago ma have been overruled by current practice.

      1. That’s a good point. However, if my education were that dated, but, if it were, I would be seeing Quentyn’s version rampant among educated writers I don’t.

        1. Sorry, posted accidentally, before removing “but, if it were,”

  4. Surprisingly good! It’s still a little rough around the edges as far as stability goes but otherwise running great! Good one MS!

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