
Meebo discontinuing most of its services next month


Talks of Google purchasing Meebo have been circulating the internet for almost a month. We found ourselves very confused about what the outcome could be, but it seems some major changes are taking place – Still leaving us confused. Meebo just announced most of its services will be discontinued come July 11th.

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  • Meebo Messenger (shutting down July 11th, 2012)
    Downloading chat logs: We have created a page where you can download your chat log history at This page will no longer be available after July 11th, 2012.
  • Sharing on Meebo (shutting down July 11th, 2012)
    This is the product currently at, designed to connect users to their interests.
    Downloading share history: If you log in to you will see a link that will allow you to download your complete share history. This will no longer be available after July 11th, 2012.
  • Meebo Me (shutting down July 11th, 2012)
    All embedded Meebo Me widgets will cease to function. You will still need to remove the Meebo Me embed code from your site.
  • All Meebo Mobile Apps (shutting down July 11th, 2012)
    This includes our iPhone, Android, and Blackberry apps. Chat logs can be downloaded at until July 11th.

Meebo Support does mention that the Meebo toolbar will continue to be available and supported for site publishers for the weeks and months ahead. But what plans may be set for the future is still unknown to us. For now, you can go ahead and download your chat logs and share history. And if you would rather get out of this mess before the waiting is over, you can also delete your account.

[Source: Meebo Via: Engadget]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. Never found it particularly useful anyway…

  2. I used mebbo several years ago before the intruction of the modern smartphone for iming people. Back int he day I didnt have a cellphone. Used when i was using other peoples computers or when I was working on someones I would have it open in a seprate window.

  3. I find “imo” to be a far better app than Meebo anyway. Although, I’ve always used Meebo Messenger’s website at work. Looks like I’ll check out Imo or something else now.

  4. I don’t think Google acquired Meebo just to kill the service. I guess Google will include it into GTalk. And I am really exited about that.

    I want to have one messenger to communicate to all my contacts, despite what protocol they use. I don’t want to have two-three messenger apps on my phone as it kills my battery.
    I don’t want to have ugly-massive Skype on my phone, but want to be able to contact my friends who likes it.

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