
HTC’s One X sales talking point pamphlet against the Galaxy S3 shows unsurprising bias

Here’s a quick and interesting read that should prove to be humorous to many of you. HTC’s formed a sales training document that mentions what a sales clerk should say to persuade that their HTC One X is better than the Galaxy S3. These things are never empty of bias, but some of this is just downright funny.

Take, for instance, the bit about the non-removable battery in the HTC One X vs the one in the Galaxy S3. HTC’s opinion is that a non-removable battery is better because you don’t need a separate charger, and because it doesn’t require the phone to be off.

The first scenario is only true if someone has a spare battery and wants to charge both at the same time, while the latter is only true if you want to swap those batteries. But many users don’t need to do this, and I think we all agree that choice is greater than no choice.

There are many more funny tidbits to be had, including their response to someone saying the Galaxy S3 being thinner, its build materials, and the “disappointing” design of the Galaxy S3 opposed to the One X. Take a look at the images above and below. [PriceBaBa via The Next Web]

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