Evernote’s new app Hello tries to help you remember who you just met

Do you have problems remembering the names of people you have just met? Then give a shot to Evernote’s new app, called Hello, which helps you organize you’re new acquaintances, for whom you can store contact information, a photo and also pull information from their LinkedIn profile.

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Unfortunately for them, the seventh season of How I Met Your Mother ended a few weeks ago. Having Barney Stinson, the character portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris, use the app to store the names and photos of his female conquests instead of the big diary would have been perfect product placement. Or not.

The amount of steps required to fill the information currently makes the app feel like a naive idea. Despite belonging to the target market (I’m  so bad at remembering names that I don’t know a few from my own class for the past 4 years) I simply cannot imagine myself using the current system. Stuff like NFC and even QR-codes are a necessity to make it close to being practical.

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