
SwiftKey 3 Beta brings improved suggestions and more [Download]


A new SwiftKey Beta, SwiftKey 3, has been released. It brings with it a nice number of changes and improvements, including improved suggestions, a better experience for Google Chrome Beta, improved gestures, and a whole lot more changes and fixes to sink your teeth into. Check out the full list below and download the beta here. Remember that some things may not be stable, being a beta and all. Report any problems you’ve run into to SwiftKey or submit feedback by joining their VIP Community. [via Android Police]

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  • Improved prediction algorithms
  • Better, more consistent punctuation key behavior
  • Smarter Smart Space functionality (which will make it easier to enter email addresses etc)
  • A refined experience in Google Chrome Beta
  • Fixed missing predictions on the longpress of @ and .com
  • Improved gestures
  • Eliminated lag on letter pop-ups
  • Various other minor bug fixes and usability improvements

SwiftKey 3 Beta (phone): Download

SwiftKey 3 Beta (tablet): Download

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’m not currently using any 3rd party keyboard but I was interested in swiftkey. Do you think 3 will be a paid upgrade from X? Like, if i purchased X today, would 3 be out for a separate price in a month or would i be getting it for free?

    I know, I’m a cheapass worrying about $3 but no need to make a purchase if I’m going to just be making another one in a month. Thanks for any help/info.

    1. Just get the beta and install, if you like it purchase when it goes live. I’ve had x for a while and I’ve not had to go back to it since the last beta version came out! Been using the Beta 3 version without issue since the 3rd of May.

      1. Thanks! I did just that and I’m loving it.

    2. Good question. Swiftkey usually just updates their apps so another purchase isn’t necessary. But it’s not certain they’ll stick with that model.

      I’d say just try out the Beta for now (I’ve been using it without any hiccups for months now) and then in the meantime, wait for the official to drop on the Play Store :)

    3. I purchased X as well. I’m wondering the same. My guess is probably it’s not going to be free (to upgrade).

  2. Did they change their voice input to google stock? Currently when you voice dictate, it uses it’s own software and gives you multiple choice on what you just said! umm, no! Just use google’s stock voice, which is incredibly accurate and swiftket, you are good to go!

    1. AGREED! If they change to stock Google Dictation, it would be near perfect (although, things get a little wonky when typing in text boxes on web pages)

    2. what the heck? absolutely not. No thank you.

      Google voice stock is *less* accurate than having 3 options from swiftkey. I’d prefer google voice stock for speed, but I’ll take the accuracy.

      1. Matt, clearly how it works for each person’s voice is different but when I say something, google is usually right. so is swiftkey. Problem is now i have to re-read 3 choices to see which is right. This is a waste of time, google’s works.. this doens’t ‘work’ better AND AT VERY LEAST THEY SHOULD OFFER BOTH but just theirs, sucks IMO and is why I don’t use SwiftKey pro, which I paid for

  3. thanks for posting this! updated mine.

  4. Why does it say its only good until June 26 2012?

    1. It’s a beta, they put this limitation in so that people can’t keep using this instead of buying the finished version. There will either be a new beta before then, or the finished, unlimited version will be available.

  5. Mat are you on ICS? There’s a huge difference between the ICS voice to text versus gingerbread. From using SwiftKey for a long time and the stock ics vtt my experience says stock is wayyy better. Plus it’s great that stock shows the text as you’re saying it and allows you to hesitate while you’re speaking where SwiftKey stops as soon as you stop talking.

  6. terrible.. it’s still slow and still laggy… why does SwiftKey x run so much better? Good god this is awful especially in landscape… and I’m on a rezound! uninstalling now.

    1. Maybe it’s the processor or something else? Nice and snappy on my Galaxy Nexus?

    2. It absolutely flies on my SGS2

    3. Works perfectly on my old Motorola Defy.

  7. Yup working great on my gnex. The smart space is pretty accurate and is definitely making typing even more accurate than it already was.

  8. I love SwiftKey and I’ve moved to the beta… Unfortunately they rearranged the question mark… I miss it from the default screen…

  9. I’m absolutely, definitely purchasing this when it comes out proper. Not just because it’s absolutely brilliant (IMO, the best keyboard out there) but because of the way they’ve developed this beta by letting anyone download it and use it for free. They’ve really incorporated the user feedback into each iteration.

    It’s been great seeing the evolution of this keyboard over the last few months.

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