Sony Ericsson Xperia Play is NOT getting an Android 4.0 update

Sony has posted an update on its Android 4.0 upgrades. More 2011 devices will start getting their Android 4.0 OTA updates starting next week, and everything is going as planned with the Xperia S,P and U. But there is also some sad news in the same blog post – it seems the team has decided to cancel the Android 4.0 update on the Xperia Play.

“In regards to Xperia PLAY, after extensive in house testing with our developer teams and working with our partners, we have concluded that a consistent and stable experience, particularly with gaming, cannot be guaranteed for this smartphone on Ice Cream Sandwich – therefore, we will not make the Android 4.0 upgrade available for Xperia PLAY.

This decision was also verified when we received similar feedback from the developer community; both experienced developers and advanced users, along with game content providers following our ICS beta ROM for unlocked Xperia PLAY smartphones.”

Ouch! It seems rather unfair that lower-end devices will be getting the update and the Xperia Play will be left out of the game. But as we have always said, manufacturers will not update phones if they find that the device can’t handle the software. We are not sure how the Xperia Mini or Active can be better fit for Ice Cream Sandwich, but it must have something to do with the device’s purpose – Gaming.

We suppose it is time to stop waiting, as you won’t be getting your upgrade. You can always go the rooting and ROMing way, though. But if you want Android 4.0 officially, it seems you will have to upgrade your device. Sad day for gamers out there… sad day.

[Source: Sony Via: Eurodroid]

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