Android Overload: See How An Accelerometer Works (Video), Jury Still Out on Google/Orcale Trial, and More
Chris Chavez
Here in the Android Overload, we like to stash away all the stories that come past our desks from throughout the day. Think of it as an Android pirate chest or cookie jar. There’s always a few gems inside, but every now and then, you might come across an oatmeal cookie (I have no idea where I’m going with this analogy). Just check out dem links!
Plex will be directly integrated into future Sony-made Google TV hardware. [Engadget]
Blackboard Connect updated for Android. Adds more features and support for Blackboard Connect 5. [Play Store Link]
Android developer says fragmentation issue is real, but “overblown.” [NickBradbury]
Handscent updated with bug fixes and better Sense 4.0 support. [Play Store Link]