
T-Mobile Gets Ready For Second Round of Layoffs – 900 Employees To Lose Their Jobs


T-Mobile is getting ready for a second round of job cuts in which the number 4 carrier in the US plans to layoff 900 more of their employees across the US. The layoffs follow 10 consecutive quarters of customer contract losses and will should help T-Mo hold apply that $4 billion they recently acquired from AT&T to help rollout their upcoming 4G LTE network.

The cuts wont affect “front line” employees (those working at T-Mobile retail locations), but will hit those in which T-Mobile feels will help their new restructuring efforts. Those employees will be this notified this week with T-Mobile’s CEO Philip Humm sending out an email to employees saying:

Dear colleagues,

Since the beginning of the year, T-Mobile has stressed that 2012 is a rebuilding year for the company. A vital step in that process was announced in March with the consolidation of our call centers. This week, T-Mobile is taking the second essential step. We are announcing a new structure that further aligns our costs with our revenue realities, enables teams who support our field organization to act and react with greater speed and effectiveness to customer and market opportunities, and better positions us to return to growth.

The new organization required difficult decisions that will impact some of our employees. This week, news will be shared personally with employees and teams who are directly affected by the restructuring. Changes will include some position eliminations and changes to individual roles and responsibilities. It is important to emphasize these impacts to employees result from business decisions. We have tremendous employees here at T-Mobile and we truly wish we could retain all our talent, but our business realities require hard choices. For affected team members, we are providing generous transition support including severance, assistance with COBRA continuation coverage, and outplacement services. As mentioned in the March announcement, customer service representatives in the remaining 17 call centers, technicians in engineering, and frontline employees in our T-Mobile corporate-owned stores will not be affected.

Our rebuilt structure enables T-Mobile to realize significant savings, allowing us to invest in future growth – in particular modernizing our network to LTE, repositioning the T-Mobile brand, and aggressively pursuing the B2B segment where we plan to add 1,000 positions over the next few years.  We gain the agility to put resources where the current opportunities are, grow in areas where potential is greatest, and act on emerging opportunities quickly and rationally.

The restructuring provides a sustainable organizational model, centered on our T-Mobile Values, with the following attributes:

  • A greater focus on driving Customer Delight by reducing the layers between working teams and executive leadership, and shifting and consolidating groups in the field sales regions and the FSC to minimize redundant work – resulting in more effective coordination and communication.
  • A renewed emphasis on Best Place to Perform and Grow:
  • Enhanced people manager spans of control (number of direct reports), enabling faster decisions, more ability to execute, and more empowerment of employees at all levels.
  • Evolution of our leadership model from player-coach, where more time is spent on daily tasks than on planning and guiding, to leader-coach, where time is focused more strategically on coaching, developing, delegating, and motivating.

We approached the restructuring process and decisions with care, rigor and cross-functional alignment. A team comprised of top leaders, with support from industry-leading subject matter experts, worked closely together over the past few months to develop an effective and sustainable structure. We strongly believe the organizational principles we applied are lasting ones. More details on the new organizational structure will be shared in department and team communications this week and more broadly after that.

I want to assure you we will move through the communications this week very thoughtfully, but also as quickly as we can while preserving the quality of the conversations that need to happen. As always, our T-Mobile Values will guide our actions.

Thank you for your patience as we work through what will be a difficult week. Thank you for your continued commitment.

With sincere appreciation,

Philipp Humm

CEO & President

T-Mobile USA

It was only 2 months ago, T-Mobile announced they would be shutting down 7 call centers in which 3,300 employees would be losing their jobs.

[TmoNews | Reuters]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Solution for T-Mobile, expand current HPSA+, release a so called iPhone killer/PadFone. Problem solved.

    1. Yeah right cus it’s that easy, tmobile should hire you!

  2. So tell me why the Federal Government stopoed AT&T from merging with T-Mobile again? Yet another effect of Big Government in private business.

    1. Do you really think AT&T wouldn’t have ended up cutting jobs if they acquired T-Mobile? Because their track record says otherwise. One of the reasons for these layoffs is the customer exodus T-Mobile experienced while the merger was still on the table. Customers were going elsewhere as they didn’t want to have anything to do with AT&T. If the merger had gone through I definitely would have jumped ship. In regards to “Big Government” , they absolutely did the right thing in striking down the merger. If you don’t think so then just do some research on “Ma Bell” and then tell me how you think monopolies benefit consumers.

      1. They have been losing customers for 10 quarters…2.5 years…it started before the AT&T fiasco.

  3. T-mobile si the worst but I hate seeing job lose

    1. Worse than misspelled spam?

  4. the 4bil go to DT, not t-mo USA

  5. Wasn’t one of the reasons AT&T couldn’t acquire T-Mo was because it wasn’t good for the economy because they would do layoffs…..glad that panned out well.

    1. Sure, because AT&T was going to keep all those calling centers, all the retail workers, and all the accounting, marketing, and other business jobs. You know, all the duplicate jobs they would have if the merger had gone through. /s

  6. get ready to go from 35 to 45 minutes on call wait time to 1 to 1:30 hr wait time now, t mobile just need to get some one that have a clue on what to do with the company that Philip Humm guy needs to GO.

    1. Why don’t people learn to read before making comments with no basis in fact? It says quite clearly in the statement, call centers won’t be affected.

  7. If they let go of Carly, I’ll give them hell.

  8. This really sucks I’m loosing an extremely good Rep who has been with T-Mobile for 10 years because of this.

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