In an interview with Sprint posted earlier today, the folks at Engadget casually went over some highlights for the HTC EVO 4G LTE and HTC EVO V. But not only that, they were also able to gain some valuable intel regarding the ICS update for the EVO 3D as well. During the interview (around the 6:30 mark), Sprint’s VP of Product David Owens let slip that June will be the lucky month Sprint intends to rollout Ice Cream Sandwich onto the EVO 3D.
Up until now, we’ve heard no official release date from Sprint (although, we received tips that the rollout will unofficially begin this month) on exactly when EVO 3D users should be expecting Android 4.0 to rollout for their devices. EVO 3D owners will not only be able to enjoy an updated firmware but the new features in Sense 3.6 as well. Not much longer, guys!
[Engadget | Via HTC EVO 3D Forums]