Instagram Update Adds Much Requested “Tilt-Shift” Feature – Brings Depth of Field To Your ‘Grams


The always popular Instagram was updated for Android devices today and includes the oft requested “tilt-shift” feature from the iPhone version. Now you can give your ‘grams that realistic depth of field look on either a horizontal/vertical plane (great for highlighting text from screenshots), or in a circular fashion (as highlighted in the image above) by clicking the new droplet icon. From there you can drag, rotate and pinch to zoom to get the desired effect.

Although fun, really… this is just kids stuff when compared to an app like AfterFocus, which offers much better depth of field customization and a better overall “DLSR look.” Either way, nice to see Instagram still supporting the Androids. Now if we can just get that photo grid, we’d be all set. Enjoy Instagrammers!

[Play Store Link]

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