
Decorate Your Home With These Plants vs Zombies High-Quality Wall Prints


Something about Plants vs Zombies that really captured a place in my heart. Not sure if it was the easy to pickup, but hard to put down, strategic gameplay. Or if it was simply those loveable zombie character designs (still getting over the loss of zombie Michael Jackson), but I’d have to say, PvZ is definitely one of my favorite video game franchises to date. Maybe that’s why I was so jazzed to discover that Walls360 — a company who specializes in video game themed “wall art” — is teaming up with Popcap for all new Plants vs Zombies stickies.

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Walls360 has provided their wall prints for huge publishers like EA for titles on Battlefield 3 and Mass Effect 3 (among others), and features a variety of designs and pop-culture art (seriously, they even have Garbage Pail Kids). The stickers are made of a fabric based material and can be reused and positioned over, and over again. The Plants vs Zombie prints will officially go on sale May 3rd (Galaxy S3 Day) but you can sign up for free at for early access.

[Walls360 | Fab | Via Polygon]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. WTH is this? Chris! You’ve seriously lost it. It’s really time for you to go to bed now.

    1. I want to put them all over my bodyyyyyy!!! @_@

      1. you can have them.. I’ll take the girl

      2. I rather know who the chick in the pic is

        1. She’s the girl who made Walls360! :)

  2. Pity the game doesn’t run right on ICS!!!!!!!

  3. Chick included.

  4. is she gonna be called the zombie chick from now on… ala t-mobile chick…:)

  5. I’m not sure what creeps me out more, the zombies, or the girls’ eyebrows.

  6. “Something about Plants vs Zombies that really captured a place in my heart.”

    Really? Right off the bat, the first sentence makes no sense. Do “journalists” not even read through the minuscule posts they make anymore, just to see if it makes them sound dumb or lazy? I don’t care if you’re just a “blogger” or whatever-if you’re publishing things, at least try a little bit.

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