No, that is not Phandroid’s own Rob Jackson wearing Google’s augmented reality HUD glasses. That’s Google co-founder Sergey Brin who was spotted at a “Dining in the Dark” charity event, leisurely strolling about with the prototype Project Glass glasses, stopping to pose for pictures with attendees. This is the first time we’ve been given a look at the Google googles in the wild and I must admit, they actually don’t look half bad.
Apparently, Sergey wasn’t the only Google employee in possession of the glasses with Google’s Vic Gundotra also said to have a pair. The pic you see above is a quick smartphone snapshot from a tech reporter Mr. Robert Scoble’s DLSR display and higher res photos are said to be on the way. We’ll update this post once we’re able to get our hands on those.
What do you guys think so far? Better or worse looking than you first thought? Will you guys be lining up for these?
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