football manager handheld 2012

Football Manager Handheld 2012 Hits Android Soon

Sega has just announced that they’ll soon be releasing Football Manager Handheld 2012 for Android. A once-iOS exclusive, Football Manager Handheld allows users to take control of clubs in leagues from 12 different countries, including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Scotland, Spain and Wales.

You can control club transfers, influence training and tactics, and more. Managing clubs during a live match day is the main attraction, but there’s also a Challenge mode where you’ll carryout short-term scenarios. The app will cost £6.99 in the Google Play Store when it launches, though that “when” part isn’t set in stone yet. Sega says to expect it over the next couple of weeks so we’ll keep our eyes peeled. [via EuroGamer]

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