
Angry Birds Space Is Now Officially Available For Android


This is the moment I’ve been waiting all night for. Angry Birds Space is now officially available for Android devices. I’m sure by now you know the drill. This new version of the game offers an all new gameplay mechanic that introduces varying gravitational pulls into the mix, as you fling your Angry Birds in outer space and rain feathery balls of death upon the glutenous pigs.

The game comes in either free, paid for 99 cents (no ads), or HD versions. Check out the new launch trailer below to see exactly how those crazy, fun loving, birds made it into outer space in the first place. It’s game time!

[Amazon Appstore Link | Google Play Link]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. its in the android market
    or should i say play store

  2. It’s on the Play Store now.

  3. BooM! Thx chris you rock. Bought add-free amazon

    1. Yeah, I forgot only Amazon does ad-free versions. Think I’ll follow your lead and fork up the 99 cents :D

    1. @google-fa2605bb15bef2c10b247e3e23100278:disqus @FidelityNy:disqus @chuckles87:disqus  

      Got it, guys. Thank you =)

  4. It’s free on Android.

  5. I dl it because it is different now. The other angry birds game are recycled material.

  6. Already beat it :P

    1. And I’m the queen of england

      1. Wow! Hello, Your Majesty!

      2. Oh you mad? Don’t be jealous its so easy

  7. Just turn off your data connection when you play,bam no ads!
    They can’t load with no data connection…

    1. But does the ad window still popup, just with no ads in it? 

      1. Nope. No ads at all. Been doing it with all the Angry Birds. Just don’t expect to be talking to anyone for a while. :-D

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  8. Google Play Store (Android Market) has both the free and 99¢ ad-free version. However I keep getting a “package invalid” error on my Nexus One. 

  9. I’m rooted, have adfree installed and haven’t received any ads yet from Google Play version:-)

  10. Fun play, different atmosphere, ha.

  11. Awesome game, 2 chapters is kinda short but its free, and I’m pretty sure they’ll expand.

    1. Samsung owners get a third chapter “Danger Zone”…

  12. ads dont bother me when something is FREE !!!    :-)

  13. I  played the free version for about 30 minutes before uninstalling. It runs as slow as hell on my GN and the sounds are annoying. In addition, the game is either incredibly easy or mind-numbingly hard.

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