
Well, Look At That – The HTC One V Will Be Running Sense 4.0 After All [Video]


Well, I’ll be… Back during the HTC’s official press announcement for their upcoming One line of handsets, they showed off their all new and improved Sense 4.0 (or Sense “lite,” as we like to call it). It was later learned that the lower-end HTC One V wouldn’t be given the same treatment as its higher-end One brethren instead, coming preloaded with the lower software version — Sense 3.6. This same version will be making its way to ICS updates on the Sensation and Evo 3D in the future.

While this didn’t cause much of an uproar with the press or even in Android circles, I, for one, was a little disappointed to see that the device with a single-core processor wouldn’t be receiving the less-bloaty version of Sense when it seemed like it could use it the most.

Fast forward to today where MobileSyrup got some hands on with an early prototype of the One V for Telus in Canada and to everyone’s surprise, this reincarnated HTC Legend was running the latest version of Sense 4.0 — not 3.6. OEM’s have been known for changing their minds on a whim and it looks like HTC may have done just that, upgrading the software on the HTC One V to match its siblings. Check it out in the video below.

We can’t be exactly sure if this will be the new software for One V’s in all regions and will have to wait for confirmation from HTC. For a company essentially going for a new start in 2012 it makes sense that they would be going for a more unified approach for their new line, launching them all with the same software regardless of whether it’s Sense or Android firmware. Kudos to HTC on this one.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Looks like G1… why put all that bezel on the bottom? Seems useless IMO.

    1. Actually it looks like the Hero.

        1. Actually HTC Legend O_o


          2. No.

          3. i do agree lol

          4. Which was based on the design of the Hero.

          5. Which was based on the design of the G1 O_o

  2. the camera are so much better than my GN’s…. 

    1. My rezounds camera is amazing, coming from a droid 3 it is such a change.

  3. Meaning, that they could ship 4.0 with Sensation as well, they just don’t want it.

    1. I could go on and on about this (and probably will in a future video) but OEM’s hold on to future software updates as incentive to buy new devices. They use this to entice customers as well as “prove” a device to carriers (so they’ll pick ’em up).

      It’s a harsh reality but one we should all be used to now with Android..

  4. Everyone knew this device was going to ship with sense 4.0….

    1. Guess you knew more than HTC did. They announced it launching with Sense 3.6 =p

  5. Question, if HTC Sense 4.0 is lighter than 3.X why isn’t HTC porting it to dualcore HTC devices. I think they just want us to buy newer devices!

    1. Of course they do. They’re a company. They like money. Don’t you? =p

      1. But the Sensation and Sensation XE are so new….still….
        Galaxy S II (their main rival since June last year) got official ICS last week…It should have good enough hardware to support the latest software! at least for a year

        No HTC for me…fuck that

        1. And don’t forget the Rezound!  The Rez should definitely get the newest Sense and it’s way too new to replace already!

    2. Oh I’ll buy a newer device alright… and it might not be HTC…

  6. so much bezel 0.o

  7. I guess I am going to have to root my evo 3d to get sense 4.0…

  8. Will run sense 4.0 at least in India


  9. All the leaked rom’s so far have been Sense 4.0 albeit a lighter version than that seen on the One X.

    1. leaked roms for what? Every non htc one phone that’s had a leak has been the stupid sense 3.6 which changes the dockbar and that’s it

  10. If it get’s Android 4.0 it should get Sense 4.0. I want to love you again HTC, but you’re not making it easy!

  11. http://www.htc.com/www/smartphones/htc-one-v/index.page?#specs

    I think that if it says on this website that it comes with Sense 4.0, it is safe to say it comes with Sense 4.0 isn’t it?

  12. would buy it if it was available in the u.s. :(

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