HTC Has Top Smartphone Customer Satisfaction Between Android OEMs in Latest J.D. Powers and Associates Survey

J.D. Powers and Associates have released the results from their biannual smartphone satisfaction survey. While Apple unsurprisingly topped the list for the seventh straight quarter, we still look forward to seeing where Android manufacturers rank among themselves.

HTC was the leading Android OEM with a score of 798 out of 1,000. Their aggressive change in their design philosophy for 2012 onward would lead you to believe that customers weren’t all too happy with the current state of their product line-up, but that doesn’t seem to be reflected in these results.

Of course, us blog and forum dwellers don’t account for much of HTC’s overall fanbase so cries for change are probably more overstated than they really are. Samsung managed to score just below them at 769, and Motorola earned themselves a score of 758, both very respectable scores. [Twice via Droid Dog]

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