Everytime A Toilet Flushes, A Google Server Gets Cooled In Georgia [Video]

Oh, that Google. They’re always thinking of new ways to lower their carbon footprint on the planet earth. And to prove it, they’ve uploaded a new video to YouTube showing off exactly what they can do with all your doo-doo water, once they put their mind to it. To help cut massive energy costs, Google is using colorful pipes of waste, too cool down servers at their Douglas County data center in Georgia. Once their heat sinks are down to a reasonable temperature, the water is sent to a Google made treatment plant where the water is further cleaned up before it exits into the Chattahoochee (sounds like a name I used to call my ex-gf) river.

Do your thang, Google… Do your thang. Video below.

[Wired | Via Gizmodo]

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