HTC DROID Incredible 4G/HD Hits the FCC?

Rumors are stirring about Verizon set to introduce a 4G and HD version of the HTC DROID Incredible. It’d be the third device in the series following the 3G single-core DROID Incredible 2. Originally codenamed Fireball, the DROID Incredible 4G/HD (a final name hasn’t been confirmed yet but it’s likely to be one of those two) seems to have made its way to the FCC.

Well, an HTC device with Verizon’s 4G LTE radio has. This could be anything, really, but considering how much more rampant rumors about the device have been as of late we’d say there’s a strong possibility that this is it.

Unfortunately, we still don’t have much to go on. We don’t have a photo, any solid specs to go on or even a rumored launch date. Just know that one of Verizon’s premier series of phones may soon get another addition. [Engadget]

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