
Play Sprint’s Data Storm Game For A Chance To Win 1 of 30 Galaxy Nexuses


There’s a storm a brewin’… A Data Storm. And Sprint wants to give you one of 30 Galaxy Nexuses for entering into their newest sweepstakes. They’re actually giving you a few ways to win. You can either enter your email onto their sign up page, or gain additional chances by simply playing their web-based game on your smartphone’s browser. The game cleverly pokes fun at tiered data plans where you — as a Sprint customer with truly unlimited data — must help your friends by collecting data droplets after the “data storm” hits your city. Wouldn’t want them to get throttled now, would we?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The sweepstakes last between now and April 5th, which makes us wonder if the device will launch shortly after (or possibly sooner?). It’s anyone’s guess really. So, hop to it and start snatching that data!

Protip: When playing the game in your browser, don’t tap the data drops, rub them by keeping your finger pressed on the screen the entire time. Occasionally, you’ll hit a secret drop for an additional chance at winning a G-Nex.

[Sprint | Data Storm Game]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. HAHAHA I have been playing all morning! I am really enjoying sprint right now!

  2. Sprint’s service reminds me of the old joke about two old ladies out for dinner.
    “The food here is awful,” one says.
    “And such small portions,” says the other. 

  3. I’m playing for a friend.  His HTC Hero really needs to be replaced with something from this century.

  4. I won a Galaxy Nexus from the Holidroid Contests and never received it. =

    1.  I won a phone from Radio Shack which didn’t show up when expected.  Turns out they sent it FedEx to a PO box – NOT!  Contact someone and ask

      1. yes I am being nosy but what did you win!?

    2. Have you been in touch with anyone since then? I’ve heard your name come up in a few conversations. Keep in mind the Galaxy Nexus was going to be for the amount of the Gnex sent to your paypal and not the actual device itself. 

      1.  I’ve emailed Rob and Quentyn. They both have my paypal.

  5. Looks like LTE will be unlimited if they doing promotions like these…you would think, If you read the terms and conditions it says that the contest will be awarded on April 16th….hmmmm maybe the Nexus will release some time in April or May…..Its late any way for me personally, i’ve gotten my Galaxy Nexus for verizon :P…I still entered cause i ilke winning shit, lmao. 

  6. Mad resale value if they are awarded prior to release!

  7.  So you can only get two entries per day right?

  8. Another MWC and Sprint once again drops the ball, all I heard of Sprint announcing was that they would have 10 devices with Google Wallet, how about announcing a launch date for the LTE network so I can stream videos without buffering longer than the video itself is.

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