Video: Camera-Free, Touch-Free Gesture Technology by Noalia [MWC 2012]

There has always been a bit of excitement around here for hands-free gestures on devices. A lot of that is already possible with the most notable example being eyeSight. But this technology doesn’t need a camera – all it needs is the presence of your hand.

The display technology by Noalia uses electrostatic fields to track your finger movement. The demo showed examples of handwriting and a simple visualized pointer to show where your finger was being tracked. While I doubt this solution, like eyeSight, is ready enough for practical use, I hope someone can take this technology and put it to good use.

I struggled to find some use cases of where I might need to keep my hands off of my tablet, but seeing a plate of hot wings passing by reminded me that I often do use my phone and tablet while eating. Messy fingers no longer an option? Yes, please. See the video demo above.

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