Facebook follows your spouse’s steps and starts reading your text messages?

Let’s take a break from the Mobile World Congress madness and talk about security. This is a huge issue in the smartphone market, as our devices hold all of our personal information. But we might be a little careless at times, and give developers too many rights. Today’s security issues revolve around Facebook, who is being accused of reading users’ text messages.

We already know that Facebook is not exactly the most careful about your private information. But London’s Sunday Times is reporting that Facebook has gone as far as to read user’s text messages. Of course, not as a hobby, though. The “sources” claim that this was done for testing purposes, while on the process of launching its own messaging service.

Regardless, it seems a bit weird to imagine that these guys have access to such information. We have given Facebook such privilege, though, just as we have for everything else they are blamed for. If you want to keep all of your information completely secure, those long pages of terms and conditions should start becoming more appealing.

We are not quite sure who these sources are, and how much credibility they hold. Let’s stay calm and wait to see if we can learn more about this, or if Facebook has anything to say about the matter. For now, refrain from sending all them mischievous messages!

[Source: Sunday Times Via: Gizmodo]

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