BGR is reporting that the Samsung Galaxy S III, which sadly won’t be unveiled at MWC, might sport a 4.8” screen. They’ve also shown a mock-up of the device, with an edge-to-edge screen similar to the Galaxy B rumors from yesterday.
What I find interesting from the mock-up, though, is the rather thin bezel on the top and lower portion of the device. If the final device were to be similar, the phone might actually be smaller than the Galaxy Nexus. This is some rough work I did quickly on Photoshop to check, and the Galaxy S III seems to me to be nearly 10% shorter in height. Of course, my work is by no certain measure 100% accurate, and BGR’s mock up feels exaggerated, but who knows?
Other rumors include a much desired (at least for me) move away from a plastic body, although the choice of ceramic is certainly unorthodox. Additionally, BGR says that the launch would occur simultaneously in 50 markets or cities around the globe.