Weekend discussion: Which dialer and messenger apps do you use?

What I love most about the degree of customization Android offers is the ability to replace default apps for certain actions, such as the dialer and the message apps, with those that offer something different.

However, for some reason I’ve never been able to stick with one app that I really, really like. And I really want your help out to find out which ones I should try out, and at the same time have a little discussion regarding everyone’s preferences and what they really want from these apps.


I’ve used the Sense dialer (which I’d say has been my favorite), the stock Gingerbread dialer (now ICS themed, I use this currently), the TouchPal Dialer, and the exDialer.

What I really want is T9 dialing, since it makes it extremely fast to get through my contacts. Plus the chuckle I get while dialing ‘666’ to call my mom. It’s their in TouchPal, and I’ll probably reinstall it if I can’t find a better alternative.


Again, I’m on the stock Gingerbread messaging app, and have tried out mysms, have just installed the Handcent 4 beta, and quite a few others that I can’t remember for some strange reason.

What I really want is a clean interface, none of that iPhone-ish bubbles. I want to be able to just quickly glance at the message without getting distracted with any over-the-top theming.


So put in your favorites in the comments, and I’ll give them a try over the week and post an update when I’m back next weekend.

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