Notion Ink releases ICS beta for the Adam

Not too long ago, Notion Ink released the alpha version of Ice Cream Sandwich for their Adam users, but as aspected there were quite a few issues. But the hard work of the team is starting to show results as Founder/CEO Rohan Shravan has shared the links to the beta files that should improve your WiFi and HDMI output, amongst other things.

You can find the files through the blog post here.

And since we’re talking about Notion Ink, I’d like to say that I really loved what they were doing when they first came into the spotlight two years ago, primarily because it was great to see an Indian startup that was actually looking to innovate. The Adam sounded great in theory, but unfortunately the final product just took far too long to get to the market.

It was unfortunate for them, considering they were, if not the first, then amongst the earliest to join the Tegra 2 bandwagon at a time when it’s compatibility with Android was a major issue. Plus, they knew right from the start that Froyo/Gingerbread just couldn’t power a tablet, and hence they spent a great deal of resources to create Eden, their custom UI.

I sincerely hope that they can turn things around with ICS and the Adam 2.

[via Engadget]

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