US Department of Justice approves Google-Motorola Deal

Google’s on a roll this week, it seems. Just as the European Commission did earlier, The US Department of Justice has just approved the deal that would allow Google to acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion.

With the last of their major hurdles out of the way and only a few minor ones to go, it would appear Google won’t have to wait long to get their hands on an OEM who probably exclusively holds the most lucrative patent portfolio in mobile.

Although all of these regulators are approving the deal, it’s not without caution. Most will continue to monitor the aftermath of the deal due to the aggressive patent war going on between all these OEMs and software vendors right now.

Google has already assured everyone that they will handle the portfolio fairly and carefully so as to not violate FRAND rules and spark antitrust worries. If Google stays true to their word, they should have no problem holding onto Motorola and its patent portfolio for a long, long time. [US DoJ via Reuters]

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