Instagram For Android Possibly Leaked

Now, take this as a grain of salt but apparently, the insanely popular iOS app Instagram could/might/possibly be making its way over to Android if this pop-up notification on TatWZA’s Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is to be believed.

Now, I’m a little rusty with Android’s tablet UI (it’s been awhile since I had my Samsung G-Tab) but if legit, where exactly is this notification originating from? The Android Market? If this is somehow Android/Google/Samsung endorsed, it’s possible the ad leaked out ahead of the official Instagram launch but then again — it could very well be malware.

It was only a few days ago a faked Instagram app appeared in the Android Market (with 5-star ratings from its users) from an unknown developer. The app was promptly removed only moments later. Many times, malicious apps will display Airpush ads in a device’s notification bar advertising “updates” to the Android Market or hot apps like Instagram. This could very well be nothing more than that.

If this is, in fact, a leak for the official Android version of Instagram, all I have to say is — ’bout damn time.


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