Computers stay behind as smartphone shipments take over 2011

There is no doubt that 2011 was a fundamental year for the smartphone market. We saw a boom of Android devices at CES 2011, with a plethora of smartphones to take over the tech world. According to a study held by Canalys, smartphones went as far as to surpass Computer shipments last year, making it the year of the smartphone.

In the study, Client PCs include desktops, laptops, and even tablets. Yes, this means that even Android tablets count against smartphones, in this study. Canalys’ study states that there were about 158.5 million smartphone shipments in 2011, with computer shipments staying in the dust at 120.2 million.

Smartphone shipments experienced a 56.6% increase from 2010. Computer shipments increased, as well, but only by 16.3%

We saw a major adoption of smartphones last year. Mainly due to the fact that they became so accessible. There is an Android device for everyone, regardless of income or lifestyle.

The future looks bright for the smartphone market, with better specs coming out constantly. Mobile World Congress is expected to be filled with Quad-Core devices, which is something that existed only in our dreams a couple of years ago. In a future where smartphones are getting closer to matching PC power and functionality, it is hard to tell what 2012 studies will look like.

Companies like HTC are mentioning a higher focus on high-quality products this year, and CES 2012 didn’t even get close to being as huge for the Android ecosystem as 2011. Whether we have reached a peak or not, it is still to be seen. Do you guys think smartphone shipments will grow as much for 2012? Or will the market focus on fewer, but better smartphones?

[Source: Canalys Via: Engadget]

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