Steve Jobs Finally Gets An Android Tablet In The Afterlife – Taiwanese Ad In Extremely Poor Taste [Video]

Apple bashing, while I’ll admit, sometimes fun, could be seen by some as in poor taste. I can jive with that. But then there’s this. An ad spot from the Taiwanese manufacturer Action Electronics portraying the late Steve Jobs as an angelic Asian character who, upon being set free from the confines of his former title, is finally able to pick an Android tablet — the Action Pad specifically — over the iPad. Now, I get that humor doesn’t translate so well from country to country (especially Asian humor), but this could be seen as downright offending. And not only to the Jobs family, but to Android users alike.

An Action Electronics spokeswoman defended the ad saying,

“Steve Jobs always promoted things that were good for people, Apple products, so his image can also promote other things that are good.”

Not that I would even attempt to speak for the late Steve Jobs (he was one hell of an orator/salesman) but really… he wouldn’t touch that horrible example of an Android tablet with a 10ft pole. And neither would we.

As far as the ad goes, what do you guys think? Offensive? Or are we being just a tad too sensitive?


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