After releasing one of the world’s thickest and heaviest Android tablets onto the market, Toshiba is looking to change their image at CES next week where the manufacturer will be showing off their new all new Excite (AT200) Honeycomb tablet. The device will measure in at an alarming 7.7mm thick and feature a 10.1-inch 1280×800 resolution display and judging by the image above, the Excite will look mighty sexy to boot. Powering the paper thin tablet is A 1.2GHz dual-core OMAP 4430 processor will be powering the paper thin tablet with other hardware including a 5MP rear/2MP front facing cameras, micro HDMI out and either 16GB or 32GB storage options.
Toshiba will also be displaying an all new waterproof tablet touting a bright OLED display. Can’t wait to see that one. CES fever has officially begun and Phandroid will be on hand bringing you the latest from one of the year’s biggest events.
Update: This image was leaked just a few moments ago showing off a new affordable 7-inch tablet from Toshiba with a Qualcomm processor. Not sure if this is any way related to the waterproof OLED tab mentioned above but I’m sure the CES showroom floor will be flooded with tablets such as this. Thanks, Marco!
[Toshiba via Engadget | Notebook Italia]
Looks awesome! Could this be my first tablet?! Sexy is always a plus. :)
I bet the OLED tablet will be expensive out of a$$
7″ waterproof? Well I’ll be, this is perfect for my bathroom :)
Tweeting while you shower..? O_o
no, probably facebooking on the pot….
I was hoping to never be reminded of that video ever again. Thanks. =/
i would rather all these companies wait until they can get ICS on their tablets,and give them a quality user experience,than continue to release them with honeycomb,which is a joke
I know. ICS came out 2 months ago and people are still dropping phones or tablets with gingerbread and honeycomb. The people who say “well I’ll get ICS soon so I’ll buy a this or that now” are delusional. It’s gonna take forever.
If by forever you mean Jan 12th then yes I agree, thats when my tab is getting ICS
as of right now thats the date,but how often do upgrades actually happen when they’re supposed to?
Just found this site having exclusive images!
This tablet was announced months ago and it was mentioned as a Oct/Nov 2011 release. However, the delay was off putting especially with quad core tablets coming out. I figured the delay was due to them updating it to ICS but if it’s still being released with HC then that’s an epic fail in my opinion. I think this tablet has really missed the boat and can’t really see why people would by this over something like the Transformer Prime (unless of course it is a lot cheaper than it’s competition). Yes, 7.7mm is thin but with most new tablets coming in at under 9mm, it’s not a massive difference especially when the weight of the tablets are about the same.
A) too early to pass judgement on this and B) Not everyone needs specs that match up to the prime (sad but true) Not saying its not afail because Toshiba is one big fail, but I usually reserve my laughter until after their garbage hits retail shelves
The thing that puts me off the most is that they are going to bring this to market a number of months late. This is when they have a vested interest to do things as soon as possible. What will they be like when they give out deadlines for software updates where they have much less vested interest. The updates will either be super late or cancelled altogether.
Well, let’s see. Weak Wifi signal, broken GPS, LED bleed on the edge, screen coming apart on many samples, and a launch date inventory debacle. I could think of a few reasons someone wouldn’t want a Prime. Including myself. I cancelled, got a touhpad, overclocked WebOS to 1.7Ghz and loaded a dual boot android instance which will be ICS at some point. I can see why.
OLED is nice, but I feel like tablets at this point should be more powerful than their phone counterparts, not just bigger. This to me just looks like a larger Droid Razr (Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing).
It looks like it has a an aluminum back with no RF window, so it might have the same issues as the TF Prime with GPS. We’ll just need to see. :)
There’s a large enough piece of plastic besite the camera to allow for the signal to pass, assuming this is where the chip is located.
The bottom picture reminds me of the Vtech faux tab I bought my 1 year old son!!
Why are all these tablets coming with no Ice cream sandwich? Is that not for tablets?
Slow day at Phandroid article wise huh?
We have a lot on our plate. The entire team is currently in airports or in the air at the moment en route to Vegas. The ENTIRE TEAM..
Quick! To CES12! I…mean…bat cave…
Does that make Chris “Robin”?
I wont be there. But if you choose to snag a few goodies…you can swing by our shop and drop off some fun stuff for me! :D
What’s the deal with wanting to be the thinnest?
IPAD 2 is incredibly hard to hold.
Transformer prime probably is the same as well….but I’d still take one:)
I got one it feels great in the hands, nice weight not too thin good sized bezel so your not always accidentally pressing the screen.
Maybe if manufacturers were forced to buy the old shit back when they force the stores to carry the new shit, they might think twice about releasing this fucking garbage.
I’m so sick of marking all these computers and tablets clearance because some company wants to release a new product with little to no difference from the last.
Get your heads out of your asses and maybe you’d have more money in the bank guys.
it nice not book but not like galaxy
I can’t wait until I can take a shower with my tablet while looking at porn.
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Apple’s Android competitors outshine the
iPhone in the camera resolution and screen size department. Claw Digital Review says ,
Apple’s retina display is smaller than many slab Android phones but often
approaches or beats them in resolution. If Apple goes with a larger screen,
8-megapixel camera and full 1080p video recording, it’ll need more horsepower
to support all of them. The bigger screen, in particular, will also demand
more battery power. Apple’s been very careful about battery life (it’s why it
fought so long and hard against multi-tasking) and it may have to increase
battery size and capacity to support a larger retina screen.