
Last Call for $5 Albums and $.49 Songs on the Android Market


Yes, folks. Sadly enough, according to an email we’ve just received from them Google is ending their huge Google Music sale today where they were offering an extremely large amount of albums for $5 and songs for $.49. Yours truly usually hates going the digital route but at $5 I couldn’t help but pick up some albums I’ve been meaning to check out. If you’ve had your eye on something you may want to get it purchased today because there’s no telling when or if another sale like this will come our way. Get started here.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Link doesn’t work for me. I have Google music app but where do I buy the music

    1. In the Android Marketplace app, and on the website :)

  2. hehe so true, I hate paying for much of anything digital, but then again, for $4.99 the price is right!

  3. You have to go to the Android market to buy the music

  4. I banged your co-workers sister

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