
NFL Mobile for Galaxy Nexus Coming Today?


The first thing I went to download when I got my Galaxy Nexus was the NFL Mobile app. I found and downloaded it, alright. Being able to use it was another thing. The application wasn’t immediately available for use on the Galaxy Nexus despite it showing up in the Android market but if information received by Droid-Life is to be trusted then we should be seeing an update sometime later today to add Galaxy Nexus compatibility. With NFL Mobile you’ll get news, scores/game recaps/stats, video, steaming of games (including the big game in February at Lucas Oil Stadium) and more. It definitely is a fine application for NFL fans to have. We’ll be on the lookout for it later today if this story does have legs.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Yay, now I can watch the Super Bowl on my phone! That is tonight, isn’t it? Oh, wait, right, that’s next week.

  2. I so hope this is true. Need this before play offs!

  3. People who Buy High end Smart phones should be able to stream the games for free. No way am I paying an extra $10 a month for shitty Vcast!!

  4. because you know all of us phandroids only wanted the nexus to watch football

  5. Verizon has some interesting timing.  The Super Bowl is about 6 weeks away.  I won’t even comment about their timing releasing the phone in the first place.

    Oh well, better late than never I suppose.

  6. People who buy high-end smartphones CAN stream games for free. NFL Mobile Content is free to all 4g customers.

  7. It has been working on my Galaxy Nexus since day 1.  I don’t like that I have to log in to my Verizon account, and pay $10 to watch football games… Lame!

  8. Why isn’t NBA game time on the market. No support for NFL and no NBA. What the dilly is going on

  9. Where is NBA gametime? Never had these issues with my droidx. Move to the nexus and all I get is drama. Save it for your …..

  10. When you say “Galaxy Nexus compatibility”, do you actually mean ICS compatibility? Or is there something specific about the GNex that it’s not compatible with? (I have an NS with ICS, which is why I’m asking.)

    EDIT: Nevermind. I see that it’s a Verizon-only app?

  11. This is not the Vcast app they are talking about.

  12. not true quite yet..dled two days ago, no good…saw this article!. dled again!!!…NO GOOD! WTF

  13. As of 8:30 AM ET Dec 23, Verizon NFL Mobile app is still dead-in-the-water on my Verizon GN.

    Yes, Verizon’s store banners and website proclaim free “Heart–pumping highlights. Game–day play. And awe–inspiring audio. Only on NFL Mobile from Verizon. Packed with what all football fans crave. Football, football and more football.”

    Just not quite yet on the Nexus 

  14. As a Bears fan, I have no use for this.

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