
Flash for the Galaxy Nexus Now Available



Adobe said they’d be bringing us one last release of flash to add support for the Galaxy Nexus by the end of the year and it looks like they brought it out the same day that Verizon brought their version of the Galaxy Nexus out. You can now find it for download in the Android market. It’s Flash Mobile like you’ve always known it but early scares that the Galaxy Nexus wouldn’t get the plugin makes us happy that we’re getting it at all. Anyway, check your phone’s market now for the download. [Thanks Adam!]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Not putting that crap on my Nexus. I’m just glad that we have a choice unlike other OS’s.

  2. There are some idiotic, moron commenters on this website who are eating massive amounts of black feathers at the moment.

  3. downloaded, LOVE THE NEXUS

  4. Got my Gnex this morning. It’s amazing.  

  5. damnit i want a sprint version

    1. Gotta wait for LTE my friend!

  6. Turning out to be a good day.

  7. love how the world has “officially” had ICS for a few weeks and no flash….the day VZW gets it its like “oh look flash and Netflix!” ……i love living in america lol, not to sound like a tool but it shows that we really are the most important *roll eyes*

    1. netflix looks amazing on a phone with no buttons.

  8. i dont really need flash anymore. i dont play games and videos are always html5.

  9. MiLocker wont work on my galaxy nexus. It says it cant run on the current android version. Do they just need to update the app?

  10. Thanks…. the nexus is awesome.

  11. Good thing flash CAME out for ICS so soon after the Nexus RELEASE, as some guys were already getting mobile blueballs being deprived of their youporn, redtube, xvideos, etc… or so I’ve heard.

  12. Ordered mine online, but noticed something really bogus…Verizon only seems to be offering free Overnight Shipping to NEW customers, and as an EXISTING customer they gave me free 2 Day shipping instead…so it’s not expected until Monday.  :(

  13. I’m pleasantly surprised at how fast Flash runs on ICS.  Those on the fence should give it a shot. Now on to youporn…….

  14. Sad about flash… This is a bit of a speed bump for Android moving up to netbooks, laptops and eventually desktops.

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