LetsTalk Offering Verizon Galaxy Nexus To New Customers For Only $155 ($175 For Upgraders)

If you’re contract is up on your current wireless provider and tomorrow’s launch of the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon Wireless has caught your eye, I thought I’d let you guys know that wireless retailer Let’s Talk will be offering the device — starting tonight at midnight — for the extremely discounted price of only $155 (for new customers). If you’re already on Verizon and looking to upgrade, don’t fret. You guys can still get the Nexus phone for a slightly higher (but still very reasonable) $175. In both cases, you will have to use coupon code “$75VZN” to drop the price from $225 with, of course, new contracts getting a bigger discount. The fun kicks off at exactly 12:01 PT/3:01 ET so don’t be late if you want to take advantage of this great deal!

Update: Droid-Life was able to get in contact with LetsTalk and confirms that you wont lose your unlimited data plan, for those of you that still have it. Just make sure to choose the “keep-unlimited” option once the phone goes live on their site at midnight.

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