Verizon Store Informs Customer of Dec. 15 Galaxy Nexus Availability, Multiple Sources Seem to Agree

With the numerous tips hitting our inbox pegging December 15th as the launch date of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, we have been sitting by patiently awaiting a press release to hit the wires confirming the date. That hasn’t happened yet, but we just received a copy of a voicemail left for one of our loyal readers by a Verizon store employee. We are refraining from posting the audio file but it brought news that the Galaxy Nexus will be available for purchase come Thursday of this week. It’s alright to feel a bit skeptical, but we have been hearing the same from numerous inside sources since the minute most realized a December 9th launch wasn’t happening.

For further consideration: a Costco price sheet showing prices for the Galaxy Nexus good from December 15th through 20th. As a third-party retailer the date doesn’t have to coincide with Verizon’s release, as Engadget points out, but it would be hard to imagine Costco pushing the phone before Verizon. Which leads me to another tip we received saying the phone may actually be purchasable beginning tomorrow. Take that last note as sheer rumor at this point, but we are feeling fairly confident that this phone will be flying off shelves by the end of the week.

[Thanks, Jacob and all sending in info!]

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