The Motorola DROID Bionic was revealed to be getting a pretty massive maintenance upgrade but at the time we didn’t know when we’d be getting it. We knew what we’d be getting (check below) and expected an update within the next couple of weeks but we didn’t expect to get it this soon. The soak tests are now over and the upgrade is confirmed to be rolling out to users everywhere. Be sure to check your phone if you haven’t already automatically pulled it down over-the-air. Head to Verizon for more details and instructions on upgrading. [AC,]
E-mail, messaging and data
Improved stability of data on 3G and 4G
Fixed lockup that could occur while browing during the handoff from Wifi to 4G
“Data roaming” pop-up message will display once when roaming in CDMA internationally
Jump to the most recent message after changing the device orientation while in message list view
Device featuresMobile hotspot now supports up to eight devices
Black screen of death fixed
Improved stability to avoid power cycles
Fix lock up and power cycles when connected to Bluetooth headset or HDMI cable
Improved cold SIM card activation speed
“Low memory” warnings when using the Laptop have been reduced
Improved camera autofocus for better shutter response time and better imagery
Location privacy message will display when using location based service setup
Fixed issue where device would power back up after being powered down
LapdockImproved stability
Display will not turn off after use
Calling screen will no longer be recreated
Reduced frequence fo the “Low memory” warning messages