ASUS: Transformer Prime still on Schedule to Launch this Year

ASUS has responded to news that their anticipated quad-core Transformer Prime tablet would be delayed until next year. A customer who pre-ordered the slate through NCIX received word from the retailer that ASUS would delay shipments worldwide to figure out certain WiFi issues. This isn’t the case, according to ASUS, with the tablet still on target to ship the week of December 19th.

NCIX very well may be short on their own stock of the Prime (other retailers, namely Amazon, have canceled pre-orders for the device due to low supply already), we are going to have to stick to the direct word of the company building the tablet. There is still room for a delay — nothing is set in stone until the tablet is in the hands of the consumer — but if you are waiting for your own Prime signs are good that you will have one before the last bell of the year tolls.

[via The Verge]

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