Come And Get ‘Em! Motorola DROID XYBOARD Wallpapers Ready For The Downloading

Show of hands! Who’s going to rush to their local Verizon store on Monday and pick up the Motorola DROID XYBOARD? Anybody? Okay. If you don’t see a Motorola Xyboard in your immediate future, how ’bout you just take some of their wallpapers instead? Sound good? Awesome. If you’re a wallpaper junkie like me (I change mines at least every few days) you’re going to want to check out these high-res wallpapers extracted by the boys at Droid-Life from the Motorola Xyboard. I have to admit — I was impressed.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I posted a few of my faves for you to long press and save on your Android device (just click the images twice for full resolution). Or you can download the zip file for the complete set with all the ones you see here, plus a few more. Woot! Enjoy!

[Motorola DROID XYBOARD Wallpapers]

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