
Android Overload: Galaxy Nexus Shows “Buy Now” Button, Samsung Fails To Block iPhone 4S in France and More


Happy Thursday, everyone! It’s time for another episode of the Android Overload. This is the place you can turn when the news from throughout the day hasn’t quite quenched your hunger for all things Android and mobile. We’ve gathered the top news stories that didn’t make it onto our front page from throughout the day and placed them conveniently here for you to soak up. If you find something interesting, leave your thoughts. We’d love to hear them.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Galaxy Nexus page says “Buy Now.” For now, redirects to register page. Thanks, TheStapher7! [Google]
  • YouMail pulled from the Android Market at “T-Mobile’s request.” [TheVerge]
  • Spacetime Studios brings their games from the Android Market to desktops. [SpacetimeStudios]
  • French court rejects Samsung’s bid to block iPhone 4S sales. [Reuters]
  • T-Mobile wants to fly 3 lucky winners home for the holidays. [TMoNews]
  • AT&T’s 4G LTE goes live in San Francisco. [Engadget]
  • Skype security flaw exposes users location. [BGR]



Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I like turtles

    1. *kills a baby turtle using a turtle egg*
      How did that make you feel?
      *does it again*
      How about that time?

      1. there goes Agent J trying to piss off aliens again

  2. Go to vzw.com/galaxynexus

    You are redirected now to a blank page with the Verizon navigation bar now, instead of what used to be the sign up page. The sign up page is still on the site, this address just no longer redirects there. I’m so excited. Maybe today IS the day!?

    1. Interesting.  The link redirects to a shop.verizonwireless.com ID.  I can’t help but think the Google “Buy Now” appearance and the VZW page are left over from the intended release, but one would hope companies with the stature of VZW and Google would have the foresight to go in and clean up these types of things as soon as a delay of the release is announced.

  3. Ain’t google kinda funny

  4. verizonwireless.com/nexus       does the same thing as @c-law says

  5. I would LOVE for it to be released today but think about it for a second… why would Verizon or Samsung or Google release this phone without even advertising it first. I know they are in stores, my local VZW rep told me and even handed me a unit to play with but I just do not see them releasing the phone without a single ad.

    1. HTC Rezound didn’t have adds for a couple weeks, and even then the adds were HTC funded and didn’t mention verizon.

  6. I like eggs..

  7. Just chatted with a Verizon online rep. I typed that I was looking to purchase the Galaxy Nexus and after a long pause he said they currently don’t offer that device. Doh!  Bastard.

  8. They fixed the google page.

    1. never mind browser cached the page and didn’t reload.

    2. but only the first of 4 slides… the first says “Register” the second and third still say “Buy Now”

      1. Well seems like google might be doing a WTF this morning because this isn’t good PR.

  9. Pressure is on Verizon.  Google wants to sell it today (though the link just goes to the register link).  

  10. I played with one Dec. 8th too. Made an appointment with the sales rep  to buy it Dec. 9th in the morning. The rep called me at 10pm to tell me that he can’t sell it today. I know it’s my own fault for having this craving, but it will be my first smartphone and when all you hear is that ICS is the greatest thing, you kind of want to get your hands on it. 
    But now, I couldn’t care less. I think Verizon, Google and Samsung are all responsible for the worst product launch ever and I’m not giving them my money. Was going to use an early upgrade to get the GN but now I’m going to become a free agent and see what 2012 brings for the latest and greatest. Nokia Lumia? HC quad-core? I don’t know but not Verizon and not Samsung. 
    I mean, think about it, the U.S. market is behind the U.K., Germany, Canada? Really? Really! If this is how they want to treat their biggest customer (US market)  then they can put the Nexus where the Galaxy doesn’t shine. 

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