For $1000 you could soon be the lucky owner of Verizon’s 4G LTE Samsung Galaxy Nexus and the peace of mine that you will no longer have to deal with the carrier’s games regarding the handset’s still undisclosed release date. A Craigslist posting local to Phoenix is reportedly listing the highly anticipated handset for sale. For the price you get a rooted 32GB Galaxy Nexus with an unlocked bootloader, clockwork recovery, and a custom ROM installed.
If the device being listed is legitimate (yes, there is always the chance for a scam when dealing with Craigslist), it is likely an early test unit. This would explain the lack of a Verizon logo on the battery cover as seen in recent images of the unreleased handset. Testers have reportedly been receiving an update to Android 4.1, but the version listed as 4.0 could be explained by the custom ROM.
[Craigslist via Reddit]