Samsung ‘Nexus Prime’ Hits Best Buy’s Website with $299 Price Tag

The shenanigans leading up to the US launch of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus have created yet another curious artifact of confusion. The handset has taken up its rightful place on Best Buy’s website, but for whatever reason the company continues to insist upon using the Nexus Prime name. While we can argue for days over which we like better, Nexus Prime was the long-rumored name for what eventually was unveiled as the Galaxy Nexus. Best Buy has been pretty insistent on using the Prime name on nearly every leak we have seen, for whatever reason. The latest instance sees the name accompanied by a $299.99 price tag. The price listed is “effective Sunday, Nov. 27th – Saturday, Dec. 31st” though the handset is not yet on sale. Hopefully this week will finally bring some insight into Verizon’s plans to launch the highly-anticipated smartphone.

[via Best Buy | Thanks, EarlyMon and Zedster (AndroidForums)]

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