New NFC Chips Can Be Embedded Into Products To Identify Cheap Knockoffs

I must admit, while at first I wasn’t a fan of NFC — at least not until it takes off in a few more years — the list of cool things you’re able to do with Near Field Communication chips found in smartphones just keeps on growing. We’ve already seen it open doors. Now, these new NFC chips developed by Inside Secure can actually be physically embedded inside a product to guarantee a product is real and not some cheap knockoff.

If a prospective buyer wants to check and verify if those Nikes or Prada bags are real, all they would have to do is place their NFC equipped smartphone against product and whammy! Guaranteed authenticity. Since NFC chips don’t use power and can be placed just about anywhere. From inside the product itself, to the retail packaging. The real world usage of NFC is completely practical and almost limitless.

I can’t even begin to explain how impressive this is. Where I originally thought of NFC as just a quick way to make a quick transaction using your smartphone — this opens up the door for so much more. And just when I thought smartphones couldn’t get any “smarter.”

[Inside Secure via Engadget]

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