
Quickoffice Pro is FREE, Usually $14.99 [Amazon Free App]


Amazon has been quite successful with their “Free App of the Day” concept. In fact, it works so well that Google seems prepared to adopt the idea (Free Song of the Day) for the rumored Google Music Store. Today’s Amazon Free App of the Day will save you $15 bucks and give you access to a mobile office of sorts.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Enjoy: Quickoffice Pro for FREE!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Hmm, this is the second time they have offered this as the free app. I jumped all over this few weeks ago when they offered it. 

    Edit: I take that back, they had OfficeSuite which was also 14.99 available couple weeks ago.

    1. Nop.
      That was officesuite pro 5 or something.
      This is another app, that does also the same thing (hopefully better, because office suite just sucks on my Desire) and also costs $15

    2. I also thought that was the case. I looked in my Amazon app drawer and it seems that they were offering OfficeSuite pro5.

  2. How does this compare to Docs2Go?

  3. So QuickOffice is better than OfficeSuite?????  Is there anything better than either of these even if you have to pay?   Like I hear good things about Documents to Go. How would you rank all three of these? Did I miss anything else?

    1. I would say Documents to Go, then Quickoffice Pro, then OfficeSuite.  I have never used OfficeSuite though. 

    2. Polaris Office comes on the TF and it’s the smoothest one I’ve seen so far.

  4. Explicitly not compatible with tablets.  Useless.

    1. Quick Office Pro HD (for tablets) is also free today:
      Regular price $19.99

      1. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Quick Office Pro HD (for tablets) is also free today:
    Regular price $19.99

  6. Way too many permissions for my liking.  (plus I just picked up OfficeSuite a few weeks ago….same price of free/down from 14.99)

  7. This came with my Galaxy S II already paid.

  8. Quick Office. This developer is the worst. In February 2009 I purchased the original Quick Office for my G1, which turned out to be a pile of steaming dog shit and wouldn’t open anything. The developer then came out with the *Pro version after they figured out how to get it to work and left all of the original buyers in the dust and would not upgrade anyone. Classic bait and switch, what a POS company.

    I would not recommend ever purchasing from this developer. Karma is a bitch, I hope they are reading this and that this deters a few buyers after today.

  9. Downloaded and uninstalled right away. Takes too much space. On my MT3GS, where there isn’t much space anyway, 7MB on my ROM *when installed on the SD card* is too much.

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