
We’re Almost LIVE: Droid RAZR Q&A with Verizon Wireless in 30 Minutes


How far we’ve come since the Original Motorola RAZR! Now, even the Original Droid seems like the distant past. Those two worlds of awesomeness merge tomorrow with the launch of the Motorola Droid RAZR. But at 2PM Eastern, in less than 30 minutes, we’ll be chatting with Verizon Wireless LIVE and you can not only look on but also participate.

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Simply click here to visit the live chat and we look forward to seeing you there!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. #1 Question: Oh cool, a Droid Razr… When does the Nexus launch?

  2. Be sure to ask them about the nexus :p

  3. Question #2: It’s been said that the Droid Razr is the thinnest 4G smartphone available. When does the Galaxy Nexus launch?

  4. Ask them why they are ruining so many lives by not releasing the Galaxy Nexus already. 

  5. Come on people, these are supposed to be questions about the RAZR. So, if the Droid RAZR was delayed until the Galaxy Nexus launch date, when would the RAZR be available?

    1. It only lets me hit ‘like’ once. This makes me sad.

  6. What a marketing hand job…. GG Phandroid. this takes me back to the OG Droid and the old razr… 5min of that crap is all I can stand.

  7. this phone is rumored to have dual core and lte. so when does the nexus launch?

  8. Seems like less of a Q&A and more of an opportunity to kiss ass.

  9. Ask about the bootloader. That’s only question worth repeating over and over again until they change their minds. I’d possibly consider this phone if they said it would be unlockable on verizon. As is, still waiting for the Nexus to replace my OG

  10. What is with all these softball questions?

  11. Lol…better to look at the first post yesterday, asking for questions about the Razor…clearly most are having fun being off topic on this post.

  12. Be nice to see some of the hard questions getting asked. At least they brought up the lack of removable battery.

  13. Wow.. Rob is sure cowering to Motorola on this one. Nice

  14. Please scream at them about the bootloader

  15. well that was a complete waste of 5 minutes. i missed the actual Q & A and just read the transcript of what transpired. everything that was asked was already fucking known. way to hype up more useless shit.

    MOTO – no one gives a ratfuck about the razr. nexus or GTFO.

  16. Holy sh$¥!! That “live” event was so lame. And Moto (and everyone else) need to stop saying this phone is 7.1mm thin. It is 50% more than that…because a phone is only as thin as its thickess measurement…and that dumb Droid X hump looks so stupid and puts it way over 7.1!!! Why do these idiots keep saying 7.1?? Go find a box that is only 7.1mm thick and watch it NOT fit in that box. My case proven!

    1. This stupid hump is actually very convenient to hold the phone at. I watched a movie in a bus today, and without the hump it would be as stupid as inconvenient.

  17. Lol you tools are idiots. The gnex is gonna flop and you’re going to regret that purchase when you’re sending it in for replacements over the next 24 months. (about 48 replacements.)

  18. Talk about fucking sheep!

  19. the original razr had many colors to choose from and cooler designs. The new razr looks exactly like the droid x. why would i want to buy this?

  20. I don’t think it looks that much like the x…

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