Google Reaffirms Support For Android Partners In Asia – Offers To Defend OEM’s From Apple

Today, Google’s executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, reaffirmed Google’s support for Asian OEM’s involved (or soon to be involved) in legal disputes with Apple. The support comes in the form of information sharing, industry and most importantly — Google’s newly acquired patents. Schmidt told reporters,

“We tell our partners, including the ones here in Taiwan, we will support them. For example we have been supporting HTC in its dispute with Apple because we think that the Apple thing is not correct.”

It’s said the purpose of Schmidt’s visit was two-fold. One, to reassure their alliances that Google will offer aid in the event of a legal dispute and two — to calm Asian manufacturers’ concerns that Google’s recent acquisition of Motorola would mean favoritism and a new key rival for current Android OEM’s.

Mr. Schmidt was wrapping up his three city tour in Taipei, even throwing out an olive branch to China, whom Google has had a rocky relationship with in the past. According to Schmidt, Google still has a “growing and profitable business in China.”

[Via Reuters]

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