What Paid Apps and Games Have You Bought Lately?

You know how Fridays are here at Phandroid – we start to get a little bit curious. Today, we’re wondering about what apps you’ve been buying. Personally, I’m a sucker for helping out a good developer and buying pro versions or donation versions of apps has become somewhat of a habit for me.

In recent weeks and months, I’ve purchased a couple of different games. Need for Speed: Shift has been one of my absolute favorites as I am a huge fan of the console and PC games. Considering the fact that the game was on sale recently, I had no choice but to give in.

I also bought Gameloft’s 9mm, a shooter that has you chasing down gang members for the greater good of the neighborhoods they’re infesting. Controls are more comfortable on tablets but I’m no less entertained by it on my phone.

As for apps, I felt it was as good a time as any to purchase Titanium Backup Pro (base application). With the frequent amount of ROM switching I do, it’s always imperative to back my applications and settings up. With Titanium, I can get my phone back to the same state prior to flashing a ROM without having to babysit my phone and the pro version offers features to make all of that even more helpful.

A few other apps and games I’ve bought are HDR Camera+, Relax and Sleep Plus, Uno and the Craigslist Notification app. Check their descriptions out at their respective links to the Android market. Many of them have free or trial versions available so try them out first. You can find those additional versions under their developer page.

Are any of you buying any apps worth buying? If so, we want to hear! Leave your list in the comments section below and see if you can’t be moved to be a couple of apps that other users suggest.

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