Nook Color 2 Reportedly Being Shipped To Barnes & Noble Stores – Arrives Nov 7th

According to The Digital Reader, Barnes & Noble will begin shipping out its all new and improved Nook Color 2 to stores on November 7th. Apparently, B&N will be sprucing up their in-store Nook kiosk to something that resembles more of an actual department, complete with LED TV’s and registers for checking out customers on the spot.

Still left up in the air are specs and pricing. Heck, this may no longer even be an Android device but given the success B&N had with Android on the previous model and versatility of the OS, I don’t see them moving on to anything else.

B&N has also been kicking up development for the e-reader/tablet, most likely in anticipation of this new model. Let’s see if they are able to pack enough punch in this thing to compete with Amazon’s already hugely successful Kindle Fire. Gotta love competition.

[DigitalReader via Gizmodo]

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