Google Experiments Take Voice Search To Australian Desert and Great Barrier Reef [Video]

Google uploaded a pair of videos to their YouTube channel today highlighting none other than their Google Voice Search. The videos were no doubt incited from all the attention Apple’s Siri has been receiving lately and showcase a few experiments conducted by a few of Google’s Aussie engineers. The experiments show how well the Voice Search function can understand a user (even those with heavy Australian accents) in a variety of unideal situations.

The first video sees two Google engineers traveling all the way out into Australian desert where they test how well Voice Search works, even when the person speaking is over 50 meters away from the device.

The second video has another two Australian Google engineers travel to the Great Barrier Reef where they see how well Google Voice Search works while the user is underwater. Spoiler: it actually doesn’t work out as well as you might think. Check it out.

According to Google, Australians have the second highest smartphone penetration in the entire world, 2nd only to Singapore but for some odd reason, one of the lowest Google Voice Search usage rates. I wrote an article on my complete lack of taking advantage Google’s handy voice commands on my Android device and apparently, I’m not the only one.

What did you guys think of these videos? Waste of time? Or a fun way to get the word out on one of Android’s greatest yet, underused features? And seriously — where can I get one of those Voice Search shirts?

[Via GoogleMobile]

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