Another Look At Google TV 2.0 Complete With Android Market

What do we have here? It’s yet another look at Google TV 2.0! These images appeared online today giving us another glimpse at a few of the new features coming along with Android 3.1. First and foremost we have the main attractions — the Android Market. You can see a few Google TV specific apps are already available like “QVC for Google TV.”

The UI of Google TV 2.0 is definitely more streamlined and screams shades of Ice Cream Sandwich (even though the firmware is technically Android 3.1). As a Logitech Revue owner, I can’t say I remember seeing some of the features shown in these pics like being able to view all the movies currently playing on live TV (complete with time remaining). Pretty nifty.

Not sure what was up with the delay of Google TV 2.0 but I honestly cannot wait until Google releases the update. Unlike the previous version of Google TV that was in most cases, lets face it — a total flop — version 2.0 has the potential to be a real success. Apps, internet and live television? Sounds like a winning entertainment combination to me. What do you guys think?

[Zatznotfunny via GTVSource]

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