
Zlango Brings RLY COOL Emoticons To Android TXT MSGS [VIDEO]


Emoticons have a unique way of telling a story and making communication fun, more interactive, and adding a layer of depth and interest. Why limit yourself to the happy face, sad face, and winky face when you could have a huge library of emoticons automatically suggested every time you compose a text? Zlango does that, for free (android market link), and more:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I’m really impressed with the business model of Zlango and it’s something with which I think they can have great success. The app is free and immediately offers a huge library of emoticons with which to start. But in-app purchases will allow you to unlock and download select premium content.

As an example, Zlango’s first partner is The Walking Dead television series with emoticons custom made for the show. While these will be free, you can imagine Zlango working with other partners to package premium emoticons that fans of specific topics would really enjoy. Think about specific packs for sports leagues, sports teams, movies, bands, clothing brands, or anything else. For the teenage market I can see the premium packs really taking off.

By offering in-app purchases and promising to expand Zlango with more premium content, the company is able to leverage their creation into more of a platform than an app by itself. The app is far from flawless and I’d like to see some visual changes and differentiations to cut down on clutter, but for a first run I’m really liking what Zlango has to offer.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. This app is for the Justin bieber tweens with Attention Deficit Disorder and have an attention span of a goldfish.

    The person who you are sending gets an annoying link along with the message that could be consider spam or malicious if they didn’t know better. My friends say it is super annoying. No thank you.

    1. You mean its for the greater majority of people who use smart phones nowdays? Sorry to burst your bubble, but its the bieber tweens who drive the market now days.

      I am not for or against the app myself but you need to open your mind to the possibility that people other than you and your friends use android :)

      1. Actually, correction…the i*hone users friend are the ones that thought it was annoying. Go figure. :P

  2. Hey just thought I would throw this out there, I just released my first ever app into the market and I’m really excited about it (I’m already in the middle of a huge update too)! It’s an emoticon app that shows you alternate smiley faces you could use in replacement of standard smiley faces.

    Here’s the link!:

  3. Wow, I love the sales guy’s dress sense! I was expecting Crockett and Tubbs to come running through and bust him.

  4. makes texting a little more fun especially in the office

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